Distinguished Service Award
The AIA Central Pennsylvania Board requests nominations for the 2019 Distinguished Service Award. This award is presented to individuals who have distinguished themselves through their exceptional commitment and service to the AIA Central Pennsylvania Chapter and the profession of architecture.
Given the exceptional nature of this award, it is only awarded on warranted occasions, but may not be awarded more than one time each calendar year.
All nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee and they will make a recipient recommendation to the AIA Central Pennsylvania Board of Directors. Recipients must be approved by a 2/3rds vote of the sitting Board members.
To be eligible to receive the Distinguished Service Award nominees must:
- Maintain membership in the AIA Central Pennsylvania Chapter
- Display exceptional service to the chapter and the profession of architecture over the duration of their career.
Nomination Procedure
Candidates must be nominated by a registered AIA member.
Include the following:
- A one page letter with a description of the nominee and why the award is merited
- One reference letter from another AIA member
- Five signatures of AIA Central Pennsylvania Chapter Members in support of the nomination (see second page)
- Additional supporting background material as appropriate
Submission Deadline August 30, 2019
Winners Notified September 19, 2019
Awards October 2019
Please submit all information online at www.aiacentralpa.org.
AIA Central Pennsylvania and the State of Pennsylvania assume no liability for original drawings and other submission materials or loss or damage to any part of the submission. AIA Central Pennsylvania retains the right to reproduce any of the submission materials in its publications, educational programs, and website.