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Spring Lecture

May 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

2024 Spring Lecture

The Animate Analytique
Nader Tehrani of NADAAA
May 23, 2024 | 7:00pm
Strawberry Square Atrium | 320 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA  17101

The Animate Analytique

Borrowing from the French “Analytique” drawing, the composite drawing identifies the instrumentality of projection as the means through which meaningful connections can be made between –for instance, the plan and section. The Analytique had the capacity to communicate the entirety of an architectural idea through fragments, projected at varied scales, framed onto one hybrid drawing. Behind this method is the all-important presence of instrumentality, and how certain ideas of born out of a particular mode of representation –indeed how certain drawings already engender certain types of ideas. With the emergence of the digital practices, the drawing has sometimes ceased to maintain the same primacy it once had, if only because the database that a 3d model contains is even far richer in information, even if never exposed through a drawing. The Animate Analytique attempts to unlock this data base, while introducing the element of time, to create animate drawings that navigate changes of state: between plan and section, or between elevation and axonometric, or between parallel and conical projections, all revealing discrete ideas on their own terms in an organic and synthetic way. Within this lecture, I will demonstrate the connection between representation and construction, between drawings and buildings, and in effect, between our academic thinking and our practical engagement with the discipline.

Learning Objectives:

  • Contextualizing the Analytique, a historic mode of representation
  • Demonstrating the instrumentality of representation in design
  • Revealing the latent synthetic connection between varied modalities of representation
  • Showing the connection between drawing and building



May 23, 2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Strawberry Square Atrium
230 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101 United States
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